Tension Tamer Body Oil舒缓紧张个压力按摩油|心脏保护配方

Tension Tamer Body Oil舒缓紧张个压力按摩油|心脏保护配方

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Tension Tamer Body Oil 舒缓紧张个压力按摩油|心脏保护配方 

The formula of this oil comes from Valerie Ann Worwood, a world-renowned aromatherapist. It is specially designed for people who are suffering from stress, ignoring the warnings of fatigue, and working hard physically and mentally. Physical and mental exhaustion can manifest in different ways. Common manifestations include angina pectoris, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, inexplicable pain in the body, intestinal disorders, gastric ulcers, etc. This formula can completely relax an exhausted person, let the overdrafted person fall asleep well, recharge their energy, and be able to better deal with the surrounding things, and restore the body and mind to the previous state of energy and balance . 

Ingredients: Organic Hemp Seed Oil, African Gold Shea Butter, Organic Virgin Cold Pressed Coconut Oil, Organic Daikon seeds Oil, Vitamin E Oil, Organic Cardamom Essential Oil, Bourbon Geranium Essential Oil, Clary Sage Essential Oil, Bergamot Essential Oil, etc.

100% botanical and free of synthetic fragrances, vegan, silicon-free, mineral oil-free.

How to use:

In order to protect the heart, please focus on the shoulders, neck, back and arms, and massage towards the heart. Use as needed.

舒缓紧张个压力按摩油|心脏保护配方 60ml 包装后4.5oz 

这款油的配方来自世界知名芳疗大师Valerie Ann Worwood,专门为饱受压力,忽视疲劳发出的警告,透支身心打拼的人群设计。身心疲惫会呈现在不同的方面, 常见的表现有心绞痛,高血压,低血压,身体莫名疼痛,肠紊乱,胃溃疡等。这款配方,能让一个精疲力尽的人完全放松,让透支的人好好入睡,养精蓄锐,才能更好的处理周遭事物,让身体和心智都恢复到之前的精力和平衡的状态。

成分介绍:有机大麻籽油,非洲黄金乳木果脂,有机初榨冷压椰子油,有机大根油,维生素e油,有机豆蔻精油,波旁天竺葵精油,快乐鼠尾草精油,佛手柑精油等等。100% 天然成分,无矿物油,无硅。配方中不添加硫酸盐、对羟基苯甲酸酯、邻苯二甲酸盐、合成香料、PEG SLS



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