Sadou|Black Tea ZEST Natural Perfume EDP 茶道|黑茶 ZEST天然精油香水

Sadou|Black Tea ZEST Natural Perfume EDP 茶道|黑茶 ZEST天然精油香水

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茶道|黑茶 ZEST天然精油香水 EDP 35ml 包装后重量3.7oz


茶道,不仅仅是茶,而更多在于喫茶的氛围,在于草木花香,鸟语虫鸣,小径溪流。茶汤的氤氲,带着饮茶的心境与周遭环境合二为一的境界。中国的茶道,重在品茶,在乎的是茶的味道和香气,享受的是清新或淡雅,浓郁或甘苦的茶香。日本茶道则看重的茶的精神世界,杯盏递送之间心气缓沉,心灵净化的过程,是所谓“和”“敬”“清”“寂”。受此启发,调配了这款 茶道|黑茶。

SADOU|BLACK TEA,如晚秋仲夜,在桂花树下布下的一场茶道。可以闻到枝头桂花正盛,茶香馥郁,竹影婆娑,远处青绿橙叶闪动,石板凳上青苔,夜露浸润的泥土,一起变成一张香气的纱笼,纱笼内一支细细的线香,刚刚点起,丝丝缕缕,飘忽不定,一点点幽深和静寂,而桂花的清甜从头到尾,丝丝的笼罩,茶汤微苦,落口后舌尖却密密的泛出甜味来。







精油浓度 15%,属于EDP

⚠️所有 ZEST香水产品均在加州旧金山进行调配、混合、冷冻、过滤和手工包装制作。由于高比例的原始天然提取物,可能会出现一些混浊或沉淀。



Eau fraîche 是将 1 至 3 % 的香料混合到酒精中

古龙水是将 2% 至 4% 的香料混合到酒精中(用作除臭剂,以防万一)。

淡香水 EDT 是将 5 至 15 % 的香精混合到酒精中

Eau de parfum EDP 是将 15% 至 20% 的香水混合到酒精中

香水的含量超过 20%,一些制造商直接在装有纯油的瓶子上使用滚珠(所以滚珠通常是精油浓度很高的油基配方)。


Sadou|Black Tea ZEST Natural Perfume EDP 35ml

Vegan and Cruelty-free. Phthalate and paraben free.

Small batch, Handmade in California

Hey, still remember the last time you really enjoying a tea?

SADOU, is not just a drink a cup of tea, it’s about aesthetics, purity, harmony, is the atmosphere distinct from the fast pace of everyday life, the aroma of plants and flowers, the singing of birds and insects, and the trails and streams. The entanglement of the tea soup brings the state of mind of drinking tea and the surrounding environment into one. Chinese tea ceremony focuses on the taste of the tea, fresh or elegant, rich or bitter tea. The Japanese tea ceremony values ​​the spiritual world of tea. The process of calming down and purifying the soul between teas is the so-called "harmony", "respect", "clearness" and "silence". Inspired by this, SADOU|BLACK TEA is designed.

SADOU|BLACK TEA Like a tea ceremony under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree in late autumn and midnight. You can smell the branches of sweet-scented osmanthus blooming, the tea is deep and fragrant, the bamboo shadows are whirling, the green orange leaves are flashing in the distance, the moss on the stone bench, the soil soaked by night dew, together become a fragrant sarong, inside a thin line incense stick just lighted, are wispy, erratic, a little deep and quiet feeling, while the sweetness of osmanthus is from beginning to end, the silk is enveloped, the tea soup is slightly bitter at the beginning but the after taste is so clear and sweet, 

You are invited to share this tea ceremony, please come in.

ZEST Fragrances are created to inspire positive feelings, confidence, and a sense of well-being in all who encounter them. The perfumes transcend gender, age, and even interest in perfume, because they appeal to people on an emotional level.

ZEST compositions are made with a global array of wild-crafted and organic essential oils, co2 extracts, and absolutes, with an emphasis on premium natural materials. The carefully chosen botanical ingredients imbue ZEST fragrance with the elusive purity of nature’s most precious plant essences, as well as ancient healing benefits.

Ingredients: organic sugarcane perfume alcohol, wild or organic plant essential oils, plant extracts, plant resins, supercritical carbon dioxide extraction, plants tinctures. Around 1% aroma slow-release and fragrance-fixing ingredients.

The concentration of essential oil is 15% EDP.

⚠️All ZEST perfume products are blended, mixed, frozen, filtered and hand-packaged in San Francisco, California. Due to the high proportion of the original natural extract, some turbidity or precipitation may appear.

Little Knowledge of fragrance:

Eau fraîche is a mixture of 1 to 3% of spices in alcohol

Cologne is a mixture of 2% to 4% of spices into alcohol (used as a deodorant just in case).

Eau De Toilette EDT is a mixture of 5 to 15% of the fragrance in alcohol

Eau de parfum EDP is a mixture of 15% to 20% perfume in alcohol

The content of perfume exceeds 20%, and some manufacturers use roller balls directly on the bottle filled with pure oil, like PALO SANTO ROLL-ON PERFUME OIL.

More than 25% have allergies and health risks.


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